Milk Kefir Probiotic Drink

My milk kefir grains
Strawberry Banana Kefir Smoothie

One day while randomly surfing, I came across something called kefir. There are 2  types - milk kefir & water kefir (water kefir grains are also called Tibicos, Tibetan Mushrooms, California Bees and a whole lot of other names - more details on my other post here).  Kefir is probiotic - ie, it has lots of friendly bacteria which are supposedly great for the gut. Vitagen & Yakult are also probiotic drinks.

Anyway, a kind soul sent me a teaspoon of milk kefir grains FOC by post, and I've been making this stuff regularly ever since. To be honest, the 1st few batches I wasn't sure if I was consuming rotten milk or kefir, but I've not had any tummy upsets :-)

My kefir grains are like soft bits of white sponge.  Each grain is actually a SCOBY - ie, Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeasts. It is LIVE, and requires a bit of care.

Basically ...

- Keep them away from metal utensils / strainers (except stainless steel)
- Containers used for preparing/storing kefir must be free of soap / detergent
- Feed the grains! If not kefiring milk, store grains in fridge with some milk

How To Make Kefir

After about a month of making kefir, my teaspoon of kefir grains has multiplied to 3 tablespoons' worth. At night (dark & not so hot), I put them in a glass jar and add 2 cups of milk.  The recommended ratio of kefir grains to milk is 1:10.  But I think for small quantities of grains, just leave it to ferment longer. Note: UHT & soya milk don't work so well.  Best is unpasteurized full-fat milk. I've only used fresh, chilled milk (Marigold & Meiji brands) straight from the fridge.  Cover the jar with cling wrap or cloth secured with rubber band. Leave it out at room temperature.

The next morning, stir with a plastic spoon to break up the large lump of curds at the bottom. After 12 hours, all the milk should have been "kefirized" - ie, curdled.

Strain (use nylon, plastic or stainless steel sieve - NOT other metals like aluminium etc!!) into a bowl.  The strained kefir grains can be put to work on another batch of milk straight away, or stored in fridge in a little bit of milk for a few days.

Pour liquid kefir into a bottle & chill.  Note: some folks ferment this for another day in an airtight bottle at room temperature after straining out the grains. The extra time makes it effervescent but more sour, and apparently it's even better in terms of health benefits.

Overdone after 15hrs - kefir has separated into curds & whey!
But no worries, just stir it up.  12hrs work best for me.

Strain liquid into a bowl. It's ok to use a stainless steel sieve.

How To Drink Kefir

1) Chilled & neat. It feels creamy & foamy, and has a fresh tart flavour like yogurt.

2) Fruit smoothie for kids:

- Prepare syrup with 1 teaspoon of raw sugar (per person) & a little hot water.
- Add soft fruit (bananas, fresh/frozen berries etc) or carton juice to taste to kefir.
- Add syrup & top up with some iced water or milk if you like.
- Liquidize with a hand-held blender.

Note: If you leave your prepared kefir in the fridge for a few days, it thickens to something that looks & tastes like natural set yogurt.

Note: Kefir is best taken first thing in the morning or just before bed.

1 comment :

  1. Hi, thank you very much for the nice and interesting posts.

    On kefir, may I know where to get kefir grains in Singapore? Having been trying for a while without success, the health stores that I go do not carry them.

    Thank you!


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